The Classes panel

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The Classes panel

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The Classes panel contains the following controls:


The Classes panel



Field: Select a data field from the vector layer's attribute table to classify. After selection the classes are created on the basis of the type of the field.


Method: Select the classification method.


No classification: Sorts every item to the "<other>" class.

Unique values: Creates classes by the unique values of the data field.

Modulo: Creates classes by the modulo operator.

Natural breaks: The classes contains same amount of items. The class borders pick up the values of the field.

Equal quantities: The classes contains same amount of items.

Equal interval: Creates classes with the same interval between the minimum and maximum values of the field.

Given interval: Creates given number of classes between the minimum and maximum values of the field.

Normal distribution: Creates classes with the same interval between the mean-2*deviation ... mean+2*deviation of the field. The central class will contain the items with average values.



Palette: Opens the colour Palette panel to select a colour palette and apply it to the thematic classes.


The Colour Palette panel



Applied Orange palette on thematic classes



New class: Inserts a new class.

Delete class: Deletes the selected class.

Load: Opens the Load classes File panel to load classes and thematic settings from a CLS file.

Save: Opens the Save classes File panel to save classes and thematic settings into a CLS file.


Set  - Sets the number of classes. Sets the interval in case of Given interval method.