Generate TIN

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Generate TIN

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This tool is available only in the Desktop version in the File menu and in the toolbar with the dtToolChangeLayer Change Layer button to create a TIN vector model file from the selected vector layer or an individual attribute table.


GenerateTin Generate TIN

Opens the Generate TIN panel to create a TIN vector file from vector feature layer or from the layer's attribute fields.


Generate TIN panel



Layer - List the available vector layers and attribute tables from the current map view. Select the layer from the drop-down list that contains x, y, z data as geometry or attribute data.


X - List the attribute fields of the selected layer. Select a data field that stores the X coordinates.

Y - List the attribute fields of the selected layer. Select a data field that stores the Y coordinates.

Z - List the attribute fields of the selected layer. Select a data field that stores the Z coordinates (heights values).


[ ] Use geometry - The TIN generator uses only the geometry to create the TIN file.

[x] Skip points with 0 height -  The TIN generator skips the zero heights from the geometry to create the TIN file.